Scythe Claw, the Bot


Scythe Claw is our channel bot, but he is also a character in our RPG. During hunts, adventuring, fights b/t the pack and predators, and other various events, he is the narrator. Otherwise, he is a character. If you don't understand the bot after reading this page, please MSG Night Whisper.

The Dice

We do things that are "contested" using a set of dice. Our dice rules are different from those of other RPGs. Whereas they use two twenty-sided dice with fifteen as the cut-off, we use two twenty-sided dice with thirteen as the cut-off. To roll the dice, you must type ,, The bot will give you two numbers. If one of them is thirteen or above, it's a success. Questions? Ask Night Whisper.

If you get one number thirteen or above, it's one point. If you get two numbers thirteen or above, it's two points. If you get a twenty and a number thirteen or above, it's three points. If you get two twenties, it's four points. If both numbers are below thirteen, it's a failure. If you have any questions concerning this, contact Night Whisper.

You need to roll the dice any time you are doing something. If you're trying to catch a fish, type ,, If one number is thirteen or above, you caught it. If you're battling an animal, do something like: * Sunpaws nips the deer's legs and then roll the dice to see if you hurt it. If you are trying to catch the scent of something, roll the dice to see if you smell it. You'll get the hang of using the dice eventually. If you do something without using the dice, Night Whisper will say something to you. The dice prevent god PC'ing.


When a hunt start, each player sniffs the air starting with whoever was appointed leader of the hunt. Scythe will display a message about what each person smells and the hit value. After everyone has had their turn, the leader decides on an animal. He/she will say exactly this: We'll hunt the - No punctuation at the end! Then the leader says exactly this: Let's go find it. Scythe displays a message about everyone padding off to find it. Everyone then sniffs and looks around(IN ORDER), until someone sees the deer. Scythe will display a message when someone sees it. Once it is sighted, the leader will say: Get ready. Scythe displays a message about everyone getting into place. Then the leader says: Go! and the hunt begins. In order, everyone makes a move, then rolls the dice. Scythe will tell you the outcome of the action.

Either NightWhisper, Slayer^Wolf, or wolf`rider must be present for a hunt to take place. EVERYBODY attacks things one at a time. Nightwhisper, Slayer^Wolf, or wolf`rider will specify the order we go in. You must wait for either ScytheClaw or another user to narrate the effects of someone's attack before you make your move.

To attack the animal, you make your "move" such as: * Sunpaws leaps at the deer, trying to tear its throat out - and then you roll the dice. If you score a number thirteen or above, you have harmed the animal to a one hit extent. If you score two thirteen or above, it's a two-hitter. If you score a twenty and a number thirteen or above, it's three hits. If you score two twenties, it's three hits. (In other words, anything above thirteen is one hit, and twenties are two hits.)

If you get a number thirteen or above and a number twelve or below, you've harmed the animal once, and it has harmed you once. If you get two numbers thirteen or below, it's harmed you twice. (Btw, a one in the rolling means you get harmed TWICE) And etc.. If an animal harms you thirteen times, you are *dead*. That's that, no questions asked. It's recommended that you give up after being hit nine or ten times.

Auto-Op/Voice Lists

Anyone in assessment with our pack will be voiced when they join. Any member of our pack will be opped when they join. Any friend of the pack or clearing regular may also be voiced when they join. To get on this list, please see Night Whisper. And as I keep saying, if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. Just don't cause a big fuss in the channel about it. :P

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For more help about using our bot, please MSG Night Whisper. She'll answer any and all questions, as she is the one who created him. Thanks =)